EAA Chapter 563

Zenith Cruzer s/n 11547

For Sale

Work on this airplane began in the spring of 2022. Experienced builders from EAA Chapter 563 are guiding area high schoolers in the construction of a Zenith Cruzer. With contributions from individuals, foundations, and companies, the chapter has the funds to complete an airplane with engine and avionics. It will be left to the buyer to select and arrange for personal decorations including painting.

Cruzer finished

On the chapter website, one can read the project description and view the ongoing build log.

A selling price has not yet been set. The chapter wishes to recover the cost in materials so that another airplane can be built by a new group of teenagers, and a few components have yet to be purchased. The asking price will be around $100,000. Completion of the airplane is estimated to be late summer of 2025.

The engine being installed is that recommended by Zenith, the 118 hp ULPower 350i. In addition to av-gas, this engine is rated for 87 octane car-gas.

These components for a Dynon SkyView VFR avionics suite are being installed:

HDX110010" HDX main display
EMS-221engine monitor (CANbus)
ADAHRS-200primary air data, attitude, & heading reference
MAG-236remote magnetometer, in wing
GPS-2020GPS receiver
XPNDR-261Mode S transponder & ADS-B-out
ADSB-472ADS-B-in, dual channel
COM-76025 kHz COM transceiver
COM-PANELCOM channel selector, with airport frequencies
INTERCOM-2Sintercom panel, radio & HDX

The buyer will select the specifications to present to the FAA. While marketed in the current LSA category as a day VFR airplane with a gross weight of 1320 lb, it could be registered instead at the design gross weight of 1440 lb. This airplane is being built with lighting suitable for night VFR, so it can serve as a day or night VFR airplane with a useful load of about 650 lb.

Beyond the FAA paperwork, the buyer will also have to manage the test flights of the airplane, for a chapter of the EAA is not permitted to own an airplane which is flown.

For more information, contact the chapter secretary.

Mt. Hawley Airport
1320 W Bird Blvd, Peoria

Project description: eaa563.org/build.html

Zenith Aircraft: ZenithAir.net

ULPower engines: ULPower.com