EAA Chapter 563

The Beacon

March, 2024


The next breakfast is this Saturday, to be followed by the monthly chapter meeting.

VMC and IMC Clubs

Both clubs will meet at their usual times this month.

From Headquarters

In the monthly Chapter Video, HQ announced this year's airplane sweepstakes is for a very nicely restored Ercoupe. Memorial options at OSH for deceased members were also reviewed.


Volunteers for an audit committee are still needed.


new door logo

Chapter member Killian Madeley offers custom, cut metal panels for signs, etc. Greg LePine commissioned one in the EAA logo, and Andy Plouse painted it. Greg then hung it on the south entrance after moving the old sign to the north entrance.

Flying Start

Todd Moore is again this year organizing a Flying Start event here at 3MY as part of HQ's annual Learn to Fly Week. The number of registrants we can accommodate on Saturday May 18 will be limited by the number of pilots volunteering, so please contact Todd if you are willing to fly. Volunteers will draw lots for one of the two one-week armbands to OSH which HQ is providing as a reward to the chapter.

Ford Trimotor Tour Stop

HQ is planning to run their Ford Trimotor through central Illinois this June. Byerly is willing to hangar the airplane, and we are awaiting word from the airport authority about security responsibilities. This is likely to work out, and volunteers for the ushering duties are welcome.

Youth Programs

In mid February, Karl Kleimenhagen and Andy Plouse hosted a troop of Boy Scouts who were interested in seeing how an airplane is built. In particular, they wanted to see how blueprints are used. The wing under construction was opened up; its plans laid upon it; and the kids were asked to point out parts on the drawing and the corresponding parts in the wing, and vice versa. Afterwards, the kids were invited to drill holes and pull rivets and ask about details on the Cruzer under construction. They then toured the hangar and the Cessna in it.

Troop leader Justin Larson had approached the chapter by e-mail to organize the event and brought his daughters along, too. He sent a photo taken at the end of the tour and a brief note:

Scouts in the hangar
Banner 5th Grade Cub Scouts, completing their 'Engineering Adventure', proving they can read blueprints and relate that to the real thing. Thank you again Karl and Andy for your time and knowledge. Everyone enjoyed it big time!
Young Eagles

The chapter's coordinator, Todd Moore, would like to schedule a few Young Eagles events this year but will need pilots and ground crew. Let him know if you're interested in helping.

Ray Scholarship

This was received last week from HQ:

Congratulations! EAA Chapter 563 has been approved for a 2024 Ray Aviation Scholarship! Due to your chapter's dedication to EAA, youth engagement, overall activities and chapter health, and the wonderful application you submitted, EAA and the Ray Aviation Scholarship Review Committee are excited to have your chapter onboard this year! EAA Chapter 563 is now approved to nominate a scholar for the 2024 Ray Aviation Scholarship.

If you know of a student who's just begun their flight training and could use the scholarship, contact the chapter's program coordinator, Rob Meyer.

OSH Air Academy

We have secured a spot at the Air Academy, and Ishan Talim from the Cruzer build project will attend the second session at OSH. He can be seen below steering the Cruzer. Ishan is also taking flying lessons.

engine mounted on the Cruzer
Airplane Building

The big news is the landing gear is complete and the engine has been hung. The airplane made it's first taxi soon after, as it was maneuvered around the hangar to leave it's tail with enough space for the stabilizers to be mounted in the coming weeks. Planning for the avionics has begun, and the components for a complete Dynon VFR panel are being selected. Work on mounting engine fittings has also begun.

wing assembly

Preparing the aileron brackets for riveting


Paxson Wooden, one of the high schoolers working on the Cruzer project, has joined EAA and the chapter. He's been active on the build since it started two years ago, and last summer he attended the Air Academy.

This is the last call for 2024 dues, which are $40, individual or family. About 90% of the members have sent in their dues, and after this month, those yet to send theirs in will receive a written letter.

Terry Moushon has a short piece in the Experimenter section of the February Sport Aviation, on page 96, showing his idea for a rolling service tray.

Mt. Hawley Airport, Peoria, Illinois