EAA Chapter 563

The Beacon

June, 2023



There are enough volunteers to staff the June breakfasts, but July remains a question.

VMC and IMC Clubs

The VMC Club meets Sunday at 6:30, and the IMC Club meets the following Sunday at 6:00. Both meetings are in the chapter hangar.

From Headquarters

In the monthly Chapter Video, HQ announced the newly approved VARMA program to make it simpler to use off the shelf airplane parts in vintage aircraft. It's for aircraft from before 1980, and the program is handled by the Chicago ACO.

The Sport Pilot Academy is back. It's held at the OSH airport, and lets one get his SP license in 3 weeks.

HQ is still calling for volunteers for OSH work parties with dates available through July.


The Audit Committee report hasn't been received. Its author is a brand new grandpa and a bit busy.

Youth Programs

Ray Scholarship

At the May chapter meeting, Killian Madeley received a hat and tee shirt as part of his entering the Ray program for 2023. Having already begun his lessons, he was able to solo by the end of the month.

from Killian's solo flight

From Killian's solo flight

He's taking his lessons at Bradley Flying. Though still in high school, Killian already has college credits from Embrey-Riddle.

Young Eagles

Weather has caused the event for the Flight Club from Dunlap High School to be canceled twice now. Todd Moore is the chapter coordinator and will reschedule this.

Airplane Building

The teens are nearly finished with the four flaperon sections for the wing, and it will soon be time to fasten the cabin base to the aft fuselage.

expanded Cruzer work area
Summer School Field Trip

Kevin Pearson works with the Dunlap school district and approached the chapter about our hosting a field trip for the district's summer school program. He first contacted the Airport Authority, which agreed to it, and he then gave a brief presentation to the board. Killian Madeley was appointed to coordinate this effort, and he has assembled a team of volunteers to usher the kids around the field to various presentations. The group of about four dozen kids, roughly 6th grade age, will split into groups and tour the 3MY Operations Garage, the chapter hangar, and a small collection of airplanes on the ramp. At each station chapter members will answer the kids' questions. Weather permitting, Killian will also demonstrate touch and go practice for the kids.

OSH Air Acadamey

As mentioned in January, we are sponsoring Paxson Wooden at this summer's Air Academy and covering half of his fees. He also applied for and has received one of the "Camperships" managed by HQ which will cover almost the remaining half.

Our sponsorship of this and other Youth programs is handled by donations from the membership, and some contributions are eligible for matching funds. Please contact the treasurer for more information.

Flying Start

HQ requested all chapters participate in their Learn to Fly Week. Todd Moore arranged and managed the event, and Dana McNeil assisted in the presentation and gave Eagle flights. From Todd:

May 15-20 was the inaugural EAA Learn to Fly Week. After five days of webinars, chapters (including ours) hosted a Flying Start event on May 20. The program consisted of an EAA prepared presentation that also included information about our local chapter and local flying opportunities. The Flying Start program was designed to welcome, inspire, and educate aspiring aviators about their pathway to becoming a pilot. Our chapter had 5 people register with 4 attending. Our attendees were mostly local but also included one person driving in from 125 miles away. After the event, we gave Eagle rides to all 4 attendees. We received great feedback from everyone.


As reported in Midwest Flyer magazine, the FAA has reviewed the first three years of operations under BasicMed. It had been hoped that simpler medical checks would increase the number of pilots active, but there was a concern that pilot incapacitation might increase. Neither effect has been observed so far.


For those who ignored the membership dues notices sent electronically, paper notices went out in May. Thank you to all members who saved the chapter the expense of the mailing.

Charlee Mathieu has joined the chapter. She's a life member of the EAA and has worked at EAA headquarters in Oshkosh.


Erich Smith has been practicing in this RV-9A which recently moved to the Peoria area. He's currently in a four way partnership with a fine straight tail Cessna 172 here on the field, but he's being tempted by this RV. Erich is also one of the volunteer pilots for Young Eagles rides.



The fund raiser for Tammy Smallwood is Saturday, June 17.

Bellanca Decathlong

This Bellanca 8KCAB Decathlon, with its rather busy paint scheme, was a visitor to the field late in the month. It's owned by John Musgrave from Morris. He was back a few days later with an RV-4 and is seen here discussing his flight training operations with a few of the chapter members.


This RV-4 as well as an RV-8 are available through Blue Sky Aero which gives taildragger instruction in both of the RVs as well as in a Stearman biplane. They operate out of both grass and paved strips near Morris. While their insurance doesn't include coverage for solo flights, you can obtain your tailwheel endorsement there.


The annual Cavalcade of Planes is on this weekend at the Bolingbrook Clow airport.

Mt. Hawley Airport, Peoria, IL