EAA Chapter 563

The Beacon

June, 2022


Youth Programs

Ray Scholarships
Jolene after her check ride

Weather and schedules finally aligned for Jolene Miller, and she has earned her Private Pilot.

Chase Ehlers has the chapter's Ray scholarship for 2022, and his first progress report will come next month.

Airplane Build

For the Zenith Cruzer project, Dana McNeil hauled the Fuselage and Finishing kits up from the factory in Missouri. Over two sessions in May, the teenagers building this airplane completed the inventory of the parts received, with only a few pieces found missing. Rich Gilbert has kindly donated the space he has in the end-cap to store these kits. New shelving was installed in the main hangar to hold parts ready for the assembly table.

Nearly all the practice kits have been finished, and so all hands should be working on the Tail kit this month. We are currently trying to set up weekly build schedules to allow for quicker progress over the summer. Skinning of the rudder is currently in progress, and they'll start on the horizontal tail this weekend.

VMC and IMC Clubs

The VMC and IMC Clubs meet at their usual times this month.


From the May Chapter Video Magazine: HQ was still looking for people to make presentations at the OSH forums this summer. They also need people to lead the wood workshops.


With my mole at the hangar (Greg LePine) no longer there daily, updates on the comings and goings at the airport are greatly reduced. If you learn anything of interest along those lines, drop me a line so that I might pass it along via the newsletters.


Currently, there is one available space in the hangar. It was used for a few days this past month by Tim Threw, who was fixing the poor compression in one of the cylinders on his RV-7.



On Saturday June 11, the Bradley Flying Association is holding a Cookout and Open House at Byerly's main hangar. They are providing the food. Please let them know at 697-0311 if you plan to be there.


picnic table under canopy

The first canopy for the picnic tables up by the FBO has been in place for a couple of weeks. Enterprising kiddies had dropped rocks down into the table's holes for the umbrellas. These were removed with tape at the end of a stick. It was found the umbrella poles have wallowed out holes where their cross bolts fit, and these will have to be drilled again in a few years. The second canopy should be up this coming week. Grab a to-go lunch and come watch a few touch and go landings.

Waco tied down at 3MY

A recent visitor to the field is a 1936 Waco YKS-6 out of South Carolina. Strapped to a tube on the bottom of the cowl was a bottle to collect the oil dripping from the Jacobs 755.


This Saturday and Sunday, the annual Cavalcade of Planes is on at Bolingbrook/Clow airport.

Mt. Hawley Airport, Peoria, IL