EAA Chapter 563 News

August 2018


The embroidery shop on N. University has EAA logos in their programming. EAA HQ has also organized a service offering sundry products with EAA logos on them. It was suggested members might make themselves walking billboards for the chapter.

Youth Programs

Gavin Larson, age 15 (and no relation to Bill), has been helping Greg LePine around the hangar this summer. He's interested in acquiring a Pietenpol project. Two members showed him around the plans set for the Wag-a-bond and discussed the work required to build from plans. Regarding youth programs, it was suggested at the last board meeting that the funding to Lincoln Land Community College and Dunlap High School could be made a standing, annual item if dues were raised $20, with that extra $20 earmarked for those. This change was not approved.


The chapter has received a parts washing tank and is searching for a water based solvent, suitable for use in the hangar, to fill it.


The treasurer gave a quarterly report at the last chapter meeting. Net worth is down slightly, but expenses have been higher than usual. Donations this year have mostly been in the form of goods, not cash. Unlike most donations, which are sold, these recent donations have been kept for Chapter use. There have been murmurs the chapter should, for various reasons, be dissolved, with assets being divided among the members. Per the Articles of Incorporation, all net assets would instead go to the EAA Foundation, so enough of that, please.


Breakfast help is sorely lacking. Of late, no one even shows up to help the cooks set up tables. At this rate, we'll soon be reduced to setting out a box of donuts.


The sanding cabinet is running, but the abrasive now in it is not suitable for aircraft parts. Board member Andrew Barth has a standing invitation to train any chapter member on the use of our TiG welder. We have the jackets and gloves needed, but you may need to find a hood.

A Request

The chapter received a request from a fellow in Pekin trying to locate certain back issues of Air Classics magazine: "I am looking for event coverage of the Reno Air Races in 2011 and 2012, specifically the Dec 2011 and Dec 2012 issues of Air Classics magazines." If you're looking to unload some old copies of this magazine, contact the chapter via e-mail and I'll forward your name.


A bit of inspiration: Chapter member Dave Cook is still flying at age 92. Scot Decker has rejoined the chapter, and Gavin Larson has received a complimentary youth membership. Besides his work with the Guard, Jon Tillotson is also flying with SW Airlines. Tim Threw took his RV-7 to Montana via Minnesota. The Gilberts have settled upon an airplane, a '74 172M with a 180 hp engine and CS prop conversion as well as long range tanks. Bill Larson has finished flying off the time on the new 3300 Jabiru installation in his Sonex. Tim Threw was the first chapter member reported to have arrived at OSH, on the Thursday before. Early Monday, 563 was marked on the chapters map in the Blue Barn as "present." The fly-in was lightly attended Monday, and many airplanes had yet to arrive due to poor flying weather in Wisconsin over the weekend.
Monday evening's balloon inflation near the Homebuilt area
Progress was slow in July for Karl and Kip Kleimenhagen in the build of their RANS S-20. They are still searching for a paint shop for their fuselage frame, and numerous poorly machined parts from RANS have added several delays in the wing construction. The flaps and ailerons for both wings are, though, finished, and all the other wing parts are ready for assembly—once the factory approves of fixes for the incorrectly machined parts.



Beautiful weather accompanied the Collings Foundation on it's Wings of Freedom Tour to Peoria. They brought four nicely restored WW-II warplanes to PIA, a B-17, B-24, B-25, and a dual seat P-51D. The TF-51D flew five passengers Friday morning alone, and the B-17 made several flights over the two days Collings was here. Neither the B-25 nor the B-24 had enough people sign up to justify a flight. A few veteran aviators from the war were among the guests touring the airplanes on the ground.
View from the B-17 bombardier station


The Airport Authority has been shown the concrete picnic tables we acquired from Culver's in Morton for use at 3MY. An airport crew will provide the pads and move the tables into place near the FBO. The traffic at 3MY the week preceding OSH included many incursions of PIA's airspace, which lead ATC to chastise 3MY traffic via CTAF. ATC will be invited to discuss their concerns at a chapter meeting. The Airport Authority may have an open house, including food, in September or October. If so, we'll put up a booth.


The Havana chapter offers fly-in lunches each second Saturday from 11:30 to 1:00. At the recent board meeting, it was suggested we try to organize a fly-out to one of them this year.

Upcoming events

(See also the Home page on the chapter web site.)
8/04 (Sa) 8:00-9:00
breakfast, in the hangar, followed by the chapter meeting
8/05 (Su) 6:00
VMC club meeting in the hangar (evening)
8/12 (Su) 6:00
IMC club meeting in the hangar (evening)
8/18 (Sa) 8:00-9:00
breakfast, in the hangar, followed by the board meeting

Editor: Karl Kleimenhagen