EAA Chapter 563 News

March 2017



The schedule change for chapter and board meetings has resulted in more members at the board meetings and perhaps fewer at the chapter meetings. The meetings follow the breakfasts on the first and third Saturdays of each month. The next chapter meeting is this Saturday, following breakfast. The breakfast 4/15 will also be our Open Hangar day for pilots based at 3MY. We'll need several members on hand to greet and show around visiting pilots.

Youth Programs

Our Aviation Explorer Post had only 4 members as of the first meeting in late January, but it was decided to press ahead in the hopes a fifth could be located. February's meeting was 2/26 with Morrie giving a presentation on building an aluminum kit airplane. By this time we had 5 members, even though one of the original 4 had dropped out. The next meeting is 3/26 at 6:00 in the hangar and will be a discussion of careers as a commercial pilot. Tom Otoole will take about flying with FedEx and Dewey Fitch will discuss flying with the Air Guard. The first Young Eagles flights will be held 5/6 (or 6/3 as the rain date). So far about 20 kids have expressed interest. Please let Jeff Meyer know if you are available to fly; we need pilots. If you know of a local youth organization which might be interested in occupying children with the build of an airplane, the Bede Family Foundation is offering to supply free the materials for their single seat BD-6 airframe. Not all the kids in the current Explorer Post are interested in committing to such a project, but we may submit an application.


With payments to the Lincoln Land scholarship and to national for insurance, net worth dropped slightly, which is typical for this time of year.

Fly-in and -out

The board will reconsider putting on a fly-in again this year, but only if the Airport Authority holds an Open House for 3MY at the same time. A few members have expressed interest in a fly-out to regional museums and the like. Please contact Kent Lynch if you are interested in joining.

IMC Club

EAA acquired the organization which created the IMC Club. Kent Lynch and others are interested in holding monthly meetings in the hangar. Please contact him or me if you would like to receive notices.


A used ELT has been received. A list of what has been received and is to be sold will be prepared in March. It will be presented to the membership before being placed on eBay.


As always, we need volunteers to help out with Saturday breakfasts, bathroom cleaning, and Thursday coffee.


Headquarters sent a plaque and a banner to commemorate the chapter's 40th anniversary. Both will be hung in the hangar. They would also like you take an on-line survey regarding how they and the local chapters can better serve the membership and request you do so by March 31. If the B-17 project here in Illinois isn't enough for you, national would like you to consider helping them restore their B-25 in Minnesota. These are organized by chapters and "are limited to 15 volunteers. No experience is necessary. EAA will provide housing and meals. We just ask that you be willing to work on both days (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday)." They offer an on-line sign up. This year, chapters have a chance to reserve space together at Camp Scholler for OSH at a reduced rate. The first 6 sites are discounted; the rest are at the normal weekly rate. I can keep a list of those interested, and if we reach the 6 required I'll contact each of you again before committing you to the spaces.


The hangar is currently full, with 3 finished and 3 projects inside.


Problems at the web hosting service continue albeit less frequently.


Currently we have 46 members for 2017.

Travel Report

Member Bill Hounshell was recently in Hawaii and did some sight seeing with a bit of aviation history:
One of my bucket list items was to visit Lindbergh's grave on Maui if it wasn’t too much trouble. We wanted to drive the infamous Hana Highway coastal road around Maui, so his gravesite wasn't more difficult to reach. Hana Highway is the most treacherous road I have ever driven. It’s about 120 miles of: narrow roadway, tight blind curves, lava wall on one side and drop-off on other, shoulder drop-offs, upslopes, downslopes, continual one-way bridges, vehicles taking more than one lane, unpaved lava for last 40% of highway, one lane traffic frequently with some "wide spots" to get off, some backing up, 15 MPH average, etc. Lindbergh’s gravesite is unmarked on the highway. There is an obscure sign to the church. The cemetery is very small and isolated, just as he would have wanted. The site he selected was shaded by a beautiful Java Plum Tree. Unfortunately, it must have died--only the stump remains. The coastal view from the cemetery is wonderful.
Lindbergh's Grave
Lindbergh's grave on Maui
Bill has prepared a .pdf with images from his trip. Contact him directly for a copy. He's in the Member Directory stored under the Contact tab of the web site.


Dues remain $30 for an individual and $35 for a family. The Audit Committee requests all renewals be made by check, to provide a better paper trail.



The mild weather 2/18 brought about an impromptu taildragger meet. On the north ramp were a '46 J3 Cub, a '48 Globe Swift, a '76 Maule M-5, and a Kitfox (along with two tricycle Cessnas).
4 taildraggers
(plus a Maule off to the left)


Last year Peru hosted the Gathering of TBM Avengers. It was one of the best air shows in central Illinois in recent memory. They are planning another TBM Gathering for Saturday May 20 this year; mark your calendars.


The Havana chapter sent a note about an unusual fly-in on 3/11 sponsored by their town and the Recreational Aviation Foundation:
Canada geese, snow geese, trumpeter swans, pelicans and ducks numbering in the hundreds to hundreds of thousands. This is an unforgettable North American animal migration that must be seen to be believed. Arrive Havana Regional airport (9I0) by 9 am. You will then be transported to the Emiquon Wildlife Refuge where you will have an opportunity to photograph these birds. A wildlife biologist will explain the ecosystem that supports them, their habits and migratory patterns. After lunch at a local restaurant, you will be returned to the airport for your flight home. A $20 donation to the Havana Aviation Event Fund is welcome. Weather and birds are unpredictable, dress appropriately and be prepared. 100LL is available at nearby fields. Mogas is available for purchase on the honor system with a check at Havana. RSVP via email by 3/6/17 HavanaIL@grics.net write BIRDS in the subject line.


Board member Kent Lynch now represents the chapter at the board meetings of the Metropolitan Airport Authority of Peoria. At the last meeting it was reported the new service to Charlotte is proving popular. The board approved agreements to improve runway lighting at PIA; last year improvements were made to taxiway lighting. They also approved initial agreements to redo the apron from the terminal to Byerly Aviation. The only item specific to 3MY was the lease to the flight school, Allmond Avaition. That was tabled to March as there were some minor questions on the wording of the lease.

Upcoming events

(See also the Home page on the chapter web site.)
3/04 (Sa) 8:00-9:00
breakfast, in the hangar, to be followed at 9:30 by the chapter meeting
3/11 (Sa) 9:00
Havana (9I0) fly-in for a photo shoot of migratory birds
3/18 (Sa) 8:00-9:00
breakfast, in the hangar, to be followed at 9:30 by a board meeting
3/26 (Su) 6:00-7:00
Aviation Explorer Post: becoming a commercial pilot
5/06 (Sa) 9:00-12:00
first Young Eagles flights at 563
6/24 (Sa) 7:00-10:30
Havana chapter fly-in with pancake breakfast; 7/1 rain date

Editor: Karl Kleimenhagen