EAA Chapter 563 News

May 2016



After agreeing to hold on June 11 an Open House in conjunction with our annual fly-in, the Airport Authority procrastinated and finally cancelled the 3MY Open House. Early September will be the date for the fly-in. The plans for June 11 included an evening banquet for the charter members of the chapter, but this will be rescheduled to later in that month, the 40th anniversary of the chapter.

Youth Programs

Quest Academy would like us to provide Young Eagle flights for the students who've taken a class in aviation. The date is Saturday May 21. Let us know through the chapter e-mail if you can assist, either in the air or on the ground. The Youth Outreach Committee is requesting your support as they plan other Young Eagle (8-17 year old) and Eagle (any age) flights in 2016. They request at least one additional pilot and ground crew sign up for each date. The proposed dates for 2016 are: May 21, Jun 4, Jul 16, Aug 6, Sep 17, and Oct 1. As covered in a recent EAA Chapter Video, EAA now requires all pilot volunteers working with youth go through basic training and a simple background check, both via their web site. Let us know when you've completed this.


With spring weather, a few fly-ins have begun to arrive again for the twice monthly breakfasts. We still need a second crew to help with the breakfasts; please contact Morrie.


Thanks to Phil Jones who donated several sheets of plywood, a floor scale, and a King Private Pilot DVD set. If anyone has an unneeded, two door filing cabinet, we could use one for the chapter records at the hangar.


The budget is not to forecast this year. Not all the hangar space is being used, and not as many members have renewed. Donations are behind estimates, and even the breakfast income is down. However, expenses are also below forecast, leaving the balance not far off.


A light has been installed over the rear door, and one is coming for the front. Only two planes were renting space recently, plus the two projects. Ron Wright's project is in for an extra month.


If you missed the April meeting's presentation by Caterpillar on drones, you'll have another chance. The presenter was called away on business and had to cancel. It'll be announced on the chapter web site.


EAA national has put out its annual call for volunteers to prepare the grounds at OSH this summer. If you are interested in going this year, there is a sign up form on the web page. National is also eager for you to hear about their latest "landmark work" and hopes you will want to buy this new STC to install Dynon’s EFIS-D10A in certain standard category aircraft, such as the C-172 and PA-28. Beats me what this has to do with the E in EAA, but they asked all chapter newsletters announce it.



So far only 36 members have renewed. Dues remain $30 for individuals and $35 for families.



RLI will be leasing most of the main parking lot from May through November. For the airport, only about 2/3 of the slots on the west side (along the fence) will be available. Besides the gimp slots, there might be about 10 for public use in the main lot, plus the other dozen or so behind the FBO building (but these are often used by people who work at the airport). Footings for the new grounds equipment shed (behind the FBO) will be poured in May. A new vehicle entrance gate should be installed about that time as well.


In contrast to the Airport Authority's performance in organizing a 3MY Open House (above), there was the April 16 fly-in at LaSalle/Peru (VYS) centered on a gathering of Grumman TBM Avengers. In addition to nine TBMs, there was a Wildcat, two Mustangs, and even two T-33 jets, plus numerous WW-II trainers, many classic civilian planes (including a nicely restored Aeronca Sedan and a Stinson Reliant), several acrobatic models, and a number of homebuilts. There were food vendors and helicopter rides, and the corporate hangars were open to view. The airport management did a excellent job organizing all this. The event was very well attended, and a few chapter members were seen there.

Upcoming events

(See also the Home and Calendar pages on the chapter web site.)
5/12 7:00
At this chapter meeting, Mike Kellner will talk about the B-17 restoration project here in Illinois he directs.
5/19 6:00
Board meeting
5/22 7:00-10:30
Fly-in breakfast at Canton (CTK); rides; show cars
Cavalcade of Planes at Bolingbrook Clow (1C5), homebuilts to warplanes plus a small museum on the field
6/5 8:00-11:30
EAA 241 DeKalb fly-in breakfast (DKB)
Big Muddy Air Race: you, too, can be a racer; bring your own plane
Wings and Wheels, Pekin (C15), Fly-in and Cruise-in