EAA Chapter 563 News
April 2016
Ron Wright is making good progress on his J-3 Kitten ultralight. Those hoping to build a tube and rag airplane have a chance to see how it's done.
The late Robert Stachowiak (not a chapter member) left behind a collection of aviation magazines, and the executor of his estate, Mary Doktor, was kind enough to donate these to the chapter. They date from the mid 1940s to the mid 2000s. Titles include: Flying, American Aviation Historical Society Journal, Air Classics, Fine Scale Modeler, Air News, Royal Air Force Flying Review, American Airman, and Air Progress / Warbirds. At the moment, these are stored on a table next to the bookshelves. The issues of Flying published in 1943 are in excellent condition, and you'll be able to see them after I've finished looking through them. Read them while you can, for they will end up on eBay some day.
The budget is on schedule so far this year, but we will need one more airplane to fill all the space available for rent in the hangar. Do you know someone who needs temporary hangar space?
With the $100 dues the chapter pays EAA national each year comes liability insurance for public events we hold. As in years past, we have purchased extra liability insurance from EAA to cover day-to-day hangar activities. It was $390 for the year. Member Chris Tate (who works in insurance) was consulted and found this to be a good, group rate. This does not include coverage for airplanes stored in the hangar.
For a quite a while, Morrie Caudill and Al Phipps have been handling most of the kitchen chores at the twice monthly breakfasts in the hangar. While they will continue to do so once a month, they'd like to see other members step forward and work the other Saturday. Morrie is preparing a to-do sheet to guide the new kitchen staff. Please contact Morrie if you're willing to help out once a month or every other month.
June 11 is the combined 3MY Open House and EAA 563 Fly-in. So far, the Airport Authority has been slow to coordinate with us. The national EAA has offered to bring their Tri-Motor for rides, but they require on the field a hangar which can house it in case of a storm, so regrettably we must decline.
There's been no response from the membership regarding a chapter fly-out to, say, other EAA chapter breakfasts or an aviation museum. Dan Gilbert is the man to contact with your interests; spring has sprung.
Youth Outreach
The Explorers Post toured operations at PIA on March 5. Including parents and younger kids, about a dozen people took this marathon tour (3 hours!) lead by Gene Olsen, which included walks through the baggage handling areas and administrative offices in the terminal, as well as the grounds maintenance building, along with a bus tour of the entire field. Regrettably, I didn't snap a photo of the whole group. Kyle and Jess from the Explorers Post are to the right.
As always, members are encouraged to join these events and talk with the Explorers. Brittany is scheduling other events; dates and times will be published on the chapter web site's home page.
At the 3/10 chapter meeting, Jennie Shollenberger from the Explorers Post gave a presentation about their work. The local council (which covers about 12 counties and is part of the BSA) has 14 Posts, including Aviation, Police, and Fire. Each post tries to give its young members exposure to careers in that field. It also hopes to help them develop leadership skills. The local Police Post is well established and has 32 youths; we have 5 so far in Aviation this year. She has plans for recruiting in local schools this fall and is seeking volunteers from 563 to assist in this. Typically the Peoria Avaition Post has about 1 or 2 kids from each of the local area high schools, Chillicothe to Bartonville. Several 563 members had suggestions for recruiting, including a booth at our June fly-in, and Jennie requests more such ideas be passed along to her. Dan Gilbert, Rob Meyer, and Brittany Harvey coordinate 563's work with the Post; please contact them with your suggestions.
At the last board meeting, it was suggested the July chapter meeting be a pizza party or the like, with both past Young Eagles as well as the chapter membership invited.
When there isn't a presentation by a visiting speaker, the meetings usually conclude with a short Chapter Video distributed by EAA national. Recent topics have included a Rotec radial powered RV-8, the full scale Spitfire replica shown on the cover of the 3/16 Sport Aviation, and how to drill plexiglass without leaving stress risers.
EAA national has begun placing these on their videos website, and you might catch up on missed issues there. (Unfortunately, the videos are in Flash player format.)
Web Site
The member Directory on the web site awaits a photo of you.
If you know of an aviation event scheduled for this area, let me know, and I'll add it to the calendar on the web site. About a dozen area events are currently listed on the site's home page.
On March 8 the Airport Authority presented the aviation themed art works from local high school students at the FBO. The AA had funded the materials for the students' work. At this time, the paintings are hanging in the FBO but will move on to PIA for display.
As reported in the last newsletter, the FBO's WiFi signal now reaches our end of the field but is too weak to penetrate the hangar. Greg LePine's efforts to install a repeater are delayed while the equipment is repaired.
The building permit for the new, 60 by 60 foot equipment shed has yet to be issued. The wood parts continue to lay on the ground.
The cost to install a display on the fuel pumps to show gallons dispensed was much higher than estimated. Alternatives are being sought.
There are two new employees at the FBO, Tammy and Henry. They work alternate days, and both do general work around the airport, such as runway inspection, grounds keeping, and manning the counter.
Volunteers are still needed to assist the C.A.F. when they bring the B-29 FiFi to PIA, August 3 to 7. Contact Greg LePine if you'd like to help.
Peru (YVS)
If you like the sound of big radial engines, ten TBMs will be growling at the airport in Peru, IL on the 16th of this month. There will likely be other WW-II airplanes present, too.
In the January newsletter, I mistakenly reported new member Steve Jones is working on an RV-10. It is in fact an RV-14A. He reports having built the fin and rudder from his kit in January and has started on the horizontal stabilizer. You can follow the progress on his build blog.
If you are working on a project, don't hesitate to send in a brief update, to prod others to get going.
So far only 35 members have paid up for this year. There were 54 members in 2015. Dues remain $30 for individuals and $35 for families. Please mail your dues to:
EAA 563 Treasurer
1320 W. Bird Blvd.
Peoria, IL 61615
or better yet, bring them with you to the next breakfast or general meeting.
Upcoming events
(See also the Home and Calendar pages on the chapter web site.)
- 4/14 7:00
- The chapter meeting will include a presentation on drones by Everett Brandt, who follows the progress in this field at Caterpillar.
- 4/16
- Gathering of Avengers at Peru, IL (VYS). Currently 10 TBMs are scheduled to attend.
- 4/21 7:00
- Board meeting
- 5/12 7:00
- At this chapter meeting, Mike Kellner will talk about the B-17 restoration project here in Illinois which he directs.