Illinois Valley Beacon

April 1999 — Volume 6 Issue 4

(The only electronic copy available was an early draft. The paper copy will be transcribed, someday.)

Breakfast   Saturday, April 3rd. at our hangar at Mt. Hawley Airport, around 8:00 AM. See you there!

April Meeting   Pot Luck At our April Chapter meeting on Wednesday, the 14th. we will have a Pot Luck supper. More details will follow in the next newsletter.

We will be having a breakfast this Saturday at the hangar. Then, for our monthly meeting we will be having a potluck. To avoid confusion, I think the chapter Should furnish the meat and drink. People should bring a covered dish and table service. We will have a short program by Mark Borland, who did a lot of flying in Columbia as a missionary for Wycliffe Bible Translators. Mark, along with his wife are friends of Merle and Donna Thomas and currently live in Morton.

Last Month   Our next Chapter meeting will be on Wednesday, the 10th of March, at 7:00 p.m. at our Chapter Hangar at Mt. Hawley Airport. Chapter member Bruce Chien, MD. will speak on Hypoxia. Bruce will also have an oxygen meter available for all those who want to test their lung capacity.

