APRIL 1976
Editor: Guy A. Snyder
We have our number...563. Next step...incorporation. The legal
work has begun and we hope it won't be too long before we are
incorporated and no longer a "provisional" chapter.
We have had a couple drawings submitted for consideration as a
chapter logo. Along those same lines we have checked into some
ads from SPORT AVIATION on embroidered patches. We'll keep you
informed as to prices and availability of these.
Aircraft inspected during march.
EAA ACRO SPORT.......Dr. Francis Torrey.......Pekin, Il
SPEZIO TUHOLER.......Harry Barnes.............Pekin, Il
Both aircraft signed off for cover March 9, 1976
Aircraft are located at 227 Sabella, Pekin, Il
BAKENG DUCE..........Ray Hesselgrave..........Henry, Il
Wing signed off for cover. Fuselage ready to paint
tubing. Fuselage is on its gear. March 23, 1976
Aircraft is located at 503 Third St., Henry, Il
CORRECTION....In last month's newsletter I made mention of some
of the long time EAA members who attended our first meeting and
inadvertently misspelled the name of Brooke Lemburg EAA #478.
My apologies to Mr. Lemburg.
The next meeting will be April 14, 1976, 630PM, at Mt. Hawley
Airport. We have two films scheduled to arrive in time to be
shown then.
The March meeting saw 52 people in attendance. It was good to
see the growing number of ladies present. President DeCroix
announced the following appointments:
Designee......Paul Crank, EAA #14441
716 E. Shore Dr., Pekin, Il..Ph.346-7839
Designee......Jim R. Sturgess, EAA #50711
R. R. #2, Washington, Il.....Ph.745-2485
Newsletter Ed.Guy A. Snyder, EAA #49833
310 Weiman Ave.,Bartonville, Il..Ph.697-O438
To assist our designees, we have included in this newsletter a
Questionaire concerning any projects in the area. If you are
presently working on a project, please fi11 in the questionare
and return it to me at the next meeting or by mail if can't be
in attendance.
The Chapter By-laws were discussed, voted on and ratified by
those present. Copies will be available to chapter members in
the near future.
All family members of an adult chapter member will be
exempt from paying chapter dues unless:
1. They have a separate mailing address.
2. They are members of the National organization
having been issued a separate EAA number.
One of the most discussed items in the by-laws was whether or
not a person should be a member of the National organization to
be a member of the chapter. Some were of the belief that this
isn't necessary. Some thought it would hinder or discriminate
against the youth, who are interested in Sport Aviation, from
joining the chapter. There also seems to be some confusion as
to what was voted into the by-laws. The by-laws now state:
"ARTICLE IV, line A. Any membčr, 18 years, or older,must
become a member of the National organization not later
than the first anniversary of membership in Chapter 563.
Members under 18 years of age must become a member of the
National organization within one year after their 18th
Being a chapter member allows one to fulfill a personal desire
to be a part of an organization where everyone is of a near
equal mind in respect to an ideal or goal. In our case that is
the perpetuation of and the participation in Sport Aviation.
Whether he be builder, flyer, enthusiast or a combination of all
three, he is able to participate at his own level of enthusiasm,
mindful always that he is a part of the main body, the chapter.
If that main body at chapter level is split from and does not
meet its obligation to the National organization, then the
extension of the National organization by way of the chapter has
not been fulfilled.
Those who believe in Sport Aviation should be cognizant of the
many demands put on the Sport Aviator by the Federal bureaucracy.
Demands caused by rules imposed upon the whole of aviation that
were sometimes originally designed to alleviate a locally iso-
lated problem. Rules that cause added expense and hardship to
the already increasing expense of operating an aircraft. Rules
that seemingly have no logical reason, or readily display the
apparent lack of understanding at what their impact will have on
the majority involved. Such rules and actions have brought about
E L T's, proposed billboard size registration numbers, biennial
flight reviews, Stage three radar for light traffic airports,
Federa11y funded control towers installed at General aviation
airports, ridiculous fuel allotments to FBO's, etc,etc. The
imposition of these rules is down-right ludicrous and a sure
detriment to Sport Aviation. These rules carry the weight of the
law and the rath of God should anyone offend the Federal Bureau-
crats. Our precious ocean of air is indeed in jeopardy to those
of us who fly for the sheer joy of flying.
EAA's liaison with the FAA has opened doors as well as eyes to-
ward the plight of the Sport Aviator. FAA officials who attend
the annual convention in Oshkosh come away with a different
attitude and better insight into the realm of Sport Aviator.
Suddenly there is more to the field of General Aviation than
Executive jets, corporate twins and high performance fully IFR
retractables. Here, at the Mecca of the little guy, they see the
culmination of dreams, hopes, tears, blood and sweat, the gleam-
ing products of a labor of love. And, beside each one, the beam-
ing proud owner, the guy who did it himself. The guy who with
meticulous thoroughness made every weld, drilled every hole, form-
ed every bulkhead, glued every rib. The guy who searched from
one end of the country to the other just to find that one orig-
inal piece to restore a one of a kind antique aircraft. And, of
course, there are those big powerful Warbirds,resplendent in
their accurately detailled war paint, thundering through the after-
noon skies during their daily fly-bys. The investment here is
more than sweat and tears and love. Lots of dollars produced these
gems from another era. Last, but not least, the rotorwing and
sailplanes round out the exposure to the diversity of Sport Aviation.
FAA not only encounters aircraft at Oshkosh, but also ideals.
Ideals that are accented by enthusiasm, co-ordination, co-oper-
ation and a super cleanliness. All are the result of a deep pride
and respect for EAA. These things can do nothing but show the
FAA officials that Sport Aviation is alive, can grow and be self
governing if allowed.
To continue this fight for survival, EAA needs the support of all
who believe in Sport Aviation. That means members, and where better
to collect into the fold those needed members than through the
organized chapters of the National organization.
As an added benefit and in return for the support rendered EAA,
each member receives the monthly issues of SPORT AVIATION magazine,
which is worth more than the price of the annual EAA dues.
If one thinks of his membership in EAA as nothing more than a
twenty dollar magazine subscription, then he doesn't realize the
support he renders to EAA and Sport Aviation. Nor does he under-
stand the vastness of the Federal Bureaucracy and its many inept
rules and regulations that are constantly being imposed upon
Sport Aviation. If we are to survive as Sport Aviators, then we
must support those who have organized and speak and act for us.
We must remember, but for the diligence and foresight of EAA,
there would be no Sport Aviation movement in this country to enjoy.
Much progress in Sport Aviation has been made since the forming
of EAA twenty four years ago. We owe much to the dedication and
leadership of EAA's President, Paul Poberezny, and his capable
staff for preserving our Sport.
POINT OF INTEREST....Our last meeting, March 10, 1976, fell on the
anniversary of the invention of the telphone. What's that to do
with aviation? Well, the inventor of the telephone, Alexander
Graham Bell, also invented a device known as the aileron as well
as an improved set of wheels known as the tricyle landing gear.
So, the next time you want to knock the telephone, think about those
inventions. Just think, we could still be flying tail draggers and
using wing warping for roll stability.
NAME_______________________EAA #___________PHONE_______________
AIRCRAFT NAME___________________________SERIAL #_______________
N #__________ENGINE__________HP____SEATS____SPAN______LENGTH___
DATE STARTED____________________DATE COMPLETED_________________
A/C MAKE, TYPE AND HP______________N #__________SERIAL #_______