Here at 3MY, Mt. Hawley Aviation offers flight instruction, including ground school, and aircraft rental.
The Bradley Flying Association is based at the Greater Peoria Airport (PIA), about 15 miles from 3MY. This is a flying club, and you must become a member to receive instruction.
At Lacon (C75), about 24 miles from 3MY, there is the Marshall County Flying Club.
Tailwheel instruction is available at Blue Sky Aero in Morris.
Most aviation licenses require a medical exam. An examiner has set up shop at 3MY again, Reinhart Aviation Medical. Around the area, Aaron Boyer is in Peoria (309)691-1250, and Bill (Curtis) Fisher is in Pekin (309)347-2714. Bruce Chien at the Bolingbrook/Clow airport near Chicago specializes in difficult cases.
For adults (ages 18 and older), a program similar to Young Eagles exists called Eagle Flights. These free introductory flights are provided by chapter members. Flying Start is a variation on the Eagles Flights and includes a presentation about learning to fly, the EAA, and the chapter.
Chapter 563 has held a Flying Start in 2023 and 2024 and has scheduled another in 2025. These Flying Start events have coincided with EAA's national Learn to Fly Week which includes a series of webinars on learning to fly.
For Eagles and Flying Start events, EAA has a separate registration system which can help you find these events at Chapter 563 and other chapters.
We receive inquiries about training for the Sport Pilot license. Due to a lack of suitable airplanes around Peoria, there often is no opportunity for instructors to provide such. This may change in the near future with new regulations. Until then, EAA has recently restarted their Sport Pilot Academy program. You first complete your written training and exam near home, and then spend three weeks at Oshkosh, WI to complete your flight training and exam.